
Setting up Oracle ODBC on macOS with ISQL

0) Install ISQL If you’re on macOS the easiest way to install isql is using homebrew brew install unixodbc. 1) Download drivers Download ODBC Package & Basic Package from here Create an oracle account if necessary 2) Prepare driver files cd Downloads unzip unsip mkdir ~/lib mkdir -p /opt/oracle/ mv $(pwd)/instantclient_19_3 /opt/oracle/ ln -s /opt/oracle/instantclient_19_3/libclntsh.dylib.19.1 /opt/oracle/instantclient_19_3/libclntshcore.dylib.19.1 ~/lib 3) Update ODBC ini files update odbcinst.

Connecting to Google BigQuery with DBeaver

0) Install DBeaver You can find installation instructions here. Make sure to install version 5.2.2 or later. If you haven’t updated to 5.2.2 or later you may use this post as a guide for connecting to BigQuery. 1) Create a new service account Instructions & details for creating a new service account can be found on Google’s website Grant your desired BigQuery permissions to your new service account Download the service account key 2) Create a new connection In the menu bar navigate to Database > New Connection Select BigQuery & press next Fill in project with the name of your BigQuery Project Optional, add additional projects in the subsequent field Select service-based Fill in the name of the service account ex: bigquery-demo@project_name.

Exploring Complex Types in BigQuery

Introduction Google’s BigQuery has support for complex types (arrays & structs) which are relatively new in analytical databases. While the ideas and of arrays and structs aren’t unique to BigQuery some of the syntax and capabilities are unique. In this post I’ll be going over what I’ve found to be the most useful patterns and tricks. Arrays Put plainly an array is a series of values of the same type stored within a single value.

Connecting to Google BigQuery with DBeaver with JDBC Drivers

Update (2018-10-07) Shortly after this post DBeaver was updated with a native connector. Please see this post for a more up to date connection instructions if you have updated DBeaver to 5.2.2 or later. 0) Install DBeaver You can find installation instructions here 1) Download the latest drivers You can find the latest drivers on Google’s website 2) Create a folder to store the drivers mkdir ~/.dbeaver-drivers/bigquery/ 3) Extract driver jars and move to the folder we made earlier 4) Create a New Driver in DBeaver Navigate to Database > Driver Manager > New Add all the files from ~/.

Importing a CSV into a database using DBeaver Part 2

Forward This is a followup to my previous post. My previous post demonstrated how to import a CSV using Dbeaver’s database to database export & import feature. As of version 5.1.5 Dbeaver introduced a direct CSV option for importing CSVs. 0) Install DBeaver You can find installation instructions here 1) Connect to your target database 1.1) Navigate through your target database & schema and right click on your target table and select import table data

Importing a CSV into a database using DBeaver

Update: August 12, 2018 The following post demonstrates how to import CSVs using Dbeaver’s database to database export & import feature. If you are certain of the quality of your CSV & just want to import it quickly my subsequent post may be more useful. 0) Install DBeaver You can find installation instructions here 1) Create a folder to be used as your CSV Database mkdir ~/desktop/csvs Place the CSV you want to load into this folder

Moved to Hugo

What was I using before Previously I was using Pelican a static site generator written in Python. Personally I’m a huge Python fan which led me to search out Pelican rather than go with a more popular solution such as Jekyll. Why Change As it turns out if you aren’t going to be modifying the static site generator in anyway you don’t need to concern yourself with the language that it is written in.

macOS 10.13.2 EGPU Adventures

1) What is an EGPU & when did Apple start supporting them? The acronym EGPU stands for external GPU. Until recently they were relatively niche however, with the release of thunderbolt3 they have begun to gain traction. At WWDC17 Apple announced that they would be fully supported in High Sierra sometime during the spring of 2018. This news was welcomed at where a community of capable individuals have been trail blazing EGPUs on macOS prior to 10.

Improving Tableau's Document API

1) What is Tableau’s Document API? With the release of Tableau 10, Tableau released a python utility called the Tableau Document API (or TDA for short). TDA allows users to easily programmatically modify tableau workbooks. Modifying tableau workbooks without using Tableau Desktop was possible before as tableau files .twb are actually just xml files. However, manually editing the xml of .twb files could easily result in a corrupted workbook. Fortunately with the release of this tool it is now much less risky to modify workbooks without using Tableau Desktop.

Connecting to Hive with DBeaver using Kerberos Authentication

0) Install DBeaver You can find installation instructions here 1) Download the latest drivers You can find the latest drivers on the Cloudera website 2) Create a folder to store the drivers mkdir ~/.dbeaver-drivers/cloudera-hive/ 3) Extract driver jars and move to the folder we made earlier 4) Create a New Driver in DBeaver Navigate to Database > Driver Manager > New Add all the files from ~/.dbeaver-drivers/cloudera-hive/ Driver name: Hive-Cloudera (for labeling only) Class name: com.